Insuring Stupidity

If you have ever watched TV, you know who, “Flo” is. Flo is the mascot for Progressive Insurance. Anyway, the first post on the Brooksville Belle is about Progressive Insurance, but it has a focus on Flo. Let me read you the second sentence, (Though the first one is also quite funny) “What you might not know is the Marxist counter culture symbolism behind these fictitious spokespeople or that the Chairman of Progressive, Peter Lewis, is the primary financial backer of all of the major Marxist-Socialist organizations and causes in not just Florida, but throughout the Federal Empire.“. Pure genius. Let me quickly explain why Flo isn’t a communist. First off, Peter Lewis is a liberal. Or, at least he likes liberals. Peter Lewis frequently donates to Liberal organizations, which basically means, no, there is most likely no Socialist, Marxist influence coming from Peter, or anyone else in the company. Secondly, the first sentence of this article says that Flo’s costume, and personality in general, is based off of 60’s Waitresses. The fuck? I looked at a picture of a 60’s Waitress, and the only real similarity I could find between them was, A: They’re both shirts, and, B: Sometimes they’re white. That’s it! But do you want to know the most amazing thing about this article? It just stops talking about Progressive Insurance entirely, and starts ranting and raving about how Hippies caused the 1973 recession, and how Marxists planned Watergate. Fucking Christ.

What the fuck is this?

What is this? Well, if you haven’t ever heard of the Brooksville Belle, now you are. And you’re also going to hear my opinions. Which are totally right and not wrong or anything. At all. If you haven’t guessed yet, I am 90% cynic. Anyway, this site is going to be mainly, but not entirely, going to be me laughing at this website called, “The Brooksville Belle”. It’s also called the Hernando Heckler. I prefer the first one. Anyway, the Brooksville Belle is a newspaper publisher in Brooksville, Florida. They also have a blog. Since the blog is Pro-Christian, Anti-Gay, and Pro-Guy who shot Lincoln, i’m going to guess the newspaper is the same.